For the Birds

Proud Cocky

Nut Cracker


Little Wren

Kookaburra Left

Wedge Tailed Mooning

Dark Magpie

Kookaburra Front

Kookaburra Right

Sunset Flight

Red Backed Fairy Wren

Red Backed Fairy Wren on the Banksia

Hiding in plain sight

Macaw feathers

Small Tree, Big Bird

Looking down

Morning alarm clocks

Apostle Bird Snuggle

Galahs on the Moon

Wedgetail waiting

In the Nest

Uncomfortable Nest

Nap Time

Fluff Ball

Tawny Eye

Grey Day Galahs

Galah in a Gum Tree

Hungry Baby

Yellow Spotted

On the Fence

Rustic Kookaburra

Watching me, Watching you.

Gum Tree Maggie

Catching the Bee

Rainbow perched

Colourful Rainbow

A Mated Pair

Up and Down and...

Two Kookaburras

Looking Down

Rusty Kookaburra

Waiting Kookaburra


Bashful Kookaburra

Fluffed up Kookaburra

Postal Kookaburra

Morning kookaburra


Lorikeet Hole

Rainbow Lorikeet


In the Grass

"Fluff Up"

Rainbow 2


Double Rainbow on a Cloudy Day

Dusty Back

Rainbows in Pastel

Sharing the Branch

Branching Together

Blue Wren

Round Bird in a Square Hole

Little Round Wren

Hanging On

For the Birds

Eastern Yellow Robin

Little Christmas Robin

Galah Play

Pale Pink


The Fisher King


Bush Turkey

Mandarin afloat

Egret in Flight

Look at me

Flight of the Black Cockatoo

Who me?

European Eagle Owl

Monday face

Icelandic Hoo

Kea number 6

Wren on the Grass